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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/2014 in all areas

  1. http://s15.postimg.org/wjqlguf97/B64_A8846.jpg
    6 points
  2. kupio sam ove masinice prije nedelju dana od slovenije, sa rezervnim spulnama 6000 posle 10 god sam se odrekao od bblc i resio sam da malo smenim model..ne ono za tezini i velicinu nego onako za probu,,po meni bblc je prica jkoja ce da se prica jos 100 god xaxaxxa prije mesec dana uzeo sam 3 kom entohe i resio da pecam 2014 sa njim , ali ispali su ovi od prijatelja i uzeo a nisam planirao,, imam visak nove neotpakovane spulne 6000 za ci4 ultegre xsa , ako nekom treba nek se javi na pp ako neko pecao sa njim ili gi ima neka spodeli iskustvo, isklucivo iskustvo, ne od net strucnjake i rekla kazala hvala kolege,
    2 points
  3. Moj skromni doprinos
    2 points
  4. Prestavljena na CARPITALY nova bomba pod imenom CRASH BALL CX http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t39/JaneMK1/1897805_1504169723142602_1287995732_n_zps33872fc2.jpg
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. After being unavailable for a short time, legendary carp brand Rod Hutchinson is set for a revival in 2014 under Italian ownership, while enlisting the help of a bait-industry expert. Tackle Trade World uncovers its plans for European expansion and beyond. FAMOUS carp fishing brand Rod Hutchison is set for a significant revival in 2014 with aims of conquering European markets in the pipeline. The company, which has been a sleeping giant for several years, is now owned by Italian firm IFID Holdings and has recruited the help of bait-market guru Pete Chandler as sales and marketing director in its bid for expansion. Pete is widely regarded as the catalyst behind the UK and European success of British brand Dynamite Baits and is hoping to emulate similar achievements with Rod Hutchinson. “This brand was started by Rod Hutchinson himself and he will be back involved again in this new push,” Pete told TTW. “He is a true legend of carp fishing and one of the pioneers of the modern bait market as we know it. Some of the original flavours and attractants that Rod created are proven fish catchers and have been for more than 30 years – they are what we will be basing the comeback of the Rod Hutchinson brand on. “When I was approached by Federico Fiamenga, the owner of IFID, about this role, it is something I could not turn down. Having worked with Rod in the past, I know the passion and credibility that he brings as a genuine angling celebrity. The legend is back and it is a very exciting time for us involved and also those who remember it fondly.” Pete has spent the last three months creating a brand-new 76-page trade catalogue that will be available among European dealers very soon. Rod Hutchinson products will be available from March and through weekly deliveries from IFID’s headquaters in Italy. Pete and the team have already secured one European distributor, French firm Fishing Partners and also has Italian distribution courtesy of IFID, but Europe is a blank canvas as far as he is concerned. “Initially the countries we are targeting are the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia, Ukraine, Spain, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Serbia, Sweden, Denmark, Bulgaria and Greece. We want to hear from wholesalers and distributors in those countries interested in taking the new bait collection as well as the other tackle on offer,” added Pete. A highlight of the new bait line-up from the brand is the Instant Attractor range – a collection of boilies made in the same unique flavours that Rod originally created back in the 1970s. Alongside that, the brand is offering some terrific-value carp rods and is expected to launch bivvies and luggage later in the year. “We are in talks to appear at this year’s EFTTEX,” revealed Pete. “There you will see that this is a serious venture and Rod Hutchinson is back for good.”
    1 point
  7. "pa ovaj čovek je neuništiv" mr .V.P. a jezero je--KRALJEVAC DELIBLATO--
    1 point
  8. od tolikih dedinih recepata ti spremas qqruz
    1 point
  9. Fenomenalan ugao! Kao da je reflektor na stadionu!!!
    1 point
  10. Cisto da se zna formax strore je go k...c,trebali su da mi nabave deo za daiwu rekli su da nije nikakav problem,vozali me 7 meseci i nista! Deo sam nabavio direktno iz DAIWE uz pomoc clana EXYUCARP-a,stigao je za par dana! UAAAA FORMAX!!!
    1 point
  11. http://prikachi.com/images/277/7109277W.jpg http://prikachi.com/images/279/7109279Y.jpg
    1 point
  12. Ako ti budes sudija do qrca sto ce biti ozbiljno.... :rofl:
    1 point
  13. Zmajevo: http://www.dodaj.rs/t/1I/Ce/4GmzhzJh/1/dscn2870.jpg http://www.dodaj.rs/t/3B/rd/4rbCMfAn/2/dscn2874.jpg http://www.dodaj.rs/t/27/W/2mAGVIjB/1/dscn2873.jpg
    1 point
  14. nastavak od juce ,ali malo veci primerak
    1 point
  15. PRIJAVLJENE EKIPE: 1. CT NIDZA Novi Sad 2. CT ZOKI I BOKI Novi Sad 3. CT MASHER (Ljuba,Djole) Novi Sad 4. CT IGOR I MITA Novi Sad 5. CT EV KAC Batarela 6. CT NESALOMIVI (Milivoje....) Zabalj, Curug 7. CT FER PLAY Novi Sad (Bojan Bucanin, Djordje Bugarski) 8. CT BAKA BAKA I SAJMON (Sandro Petkovic i Aleksandar Vranjes) Pazova 9. CT FISHING FOR FUN (Denes, Smit...) Rumenka, Novi Sad 10. CT MRKI (Nemanja Djukic, Nenad Radovanovic) Ruma.. 11. CT OSKAR&HARIS Novi Sad 12. CT IN-RU (Dejan Vasiljevski, Nenad Ljubinkovic) Ruma REZERVA: 1. CT SU LAVOVI Subotica
    1 point
  16. ti dobrotvori koji su pustili sarane na jarkovcima sad svu ribu izlovljavaju cak i strujom a ja sam bar sa nekolicinom ljudi pokusao da spasem kap u moru i da bar jedan deo toga prezivi ...mozda sam pogresio ali ih sigurno nisam pobio nego pustio na neku drugu vodu od koje ce mozda nekad i biti nesto nadam se..... ali nisu pecarosi samo krivi za ovo sto se desava opstina nece da zabrani da se truju stetocine rasipanjem otrova na otvorenom prostoru iako je takvo trovanje zakonom zabranjeno pa dolazi do pomora pataka i ribe na barici ......slike od danas http://imageshack.us/a/img94/6947/go6c.jpghttp://imageshack.us/a/img716/394/06zt.jpg nismo mi tako losi ljudi samo imamo lose zakone koji se nikako nesprovode .... poz. od baneta 76
    1 point
  17. evo sta se desava na barici i dalje se borimo sa opstinom dozvolila je praznjenje cisterni sa fekalnom kanalizacijom pored izvora i sa bazendzijama koji truju pacove i potrovase sve patke ,sa neobrazovanim seljacima koji ruse branu jer misle da podzemne vode u njihovoj njivi imaju veze sa nivoem kanala itd. a sta smo uradili izbetonirali smo branu ,.poribili sa preko 500 kom sarana sa jarkovaca doneli javno priznajem ,pustili 60 stuka sa dunava ,20 kom tostolobika ali je samo 13 prezivelo ,i pustili 9 matica sarana od 10-14 kg,napravili kucicu za patke i ispod nje potopili panjeve i obelezili skoro redovno kosimo http://imageshack.us/a/img547/9366/rpy.pnghttp://imageshack.us/a/img20/5301/eyc1.jpghttp://imageshack.us/a/img24/7121/yvn5.jpghttp://imageshack.us/a/img850/7735/rva6.jpg..... sad se jos samo borimo sa onima koji nemaju savest i sve upecano nose sa sobom u pripremi su papiri da se ova voda dobije na koriscenje od opstine itd.... evo i malo slika da se vidi da sarani rastuuuu polako ali sigurno ...
    1 point
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