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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/11/2018 in all areas

  1. Bio juce.. Pecao na dva fidera. Jedan sistem je bio sa kaveznom hranilicom, dok je drugi bio sa method hranilicom. Od praskaste hrane sam koristio Maxi Baits - Babuska/deverika braon koju sam dodatno tretirao aktivatorom od jagode od istog proizvodjaca, dok sam za method hranilicu koristio Maxi micro pelete u aromama jagoda i frankfurtska. Najbolje su mi se pokazali pinkici koje je manic izbegavao, dok se na bele crvice uporno javljao.. Na metod sistemu sam pecao na pelet 8mm u aromi tutti-fruti i bela cokolada. Konacan bilans je 4 izvucena sarana od 2-3kg i jedan krupniji koji je ipak uspeo da se oslobodi udice. Babuska je sporadicno radila, ali konacno nesto preko 3kg ukupne tezine je izvuceno na obalu.. Toliko..
    3 points
  2. Super pripreme. Pogotovo za našu reprezentaciju koja će biti prva reprezentacija koja neće znati ništa o sopstvenoj vodi pre Svetskog... We inform you that we are forced to cancel the Sava Lake Open organization, which is scheduled for September 13th -16th , 2018. Namely, in that same period a rowing contest is held. The removal of rowing tracks was planned for 23rd -24th September. We contacted FIPSed with a request to give us an opportunity to organize the Sava Lake Open in the period from 25th -28th September, but we did not get approval because it's less than 14 days from the day of the World Carp Championship. Also, we inform you that you have possibility to have training in the first part of the lake (near geysers) during the summer. The venue is about 500meters and for that reason, it would be good that all nation which wants to have a practice contact us, and we will ‘’save a place’’ from them (several teams have already reserved a term).
    1 point
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