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  1. Mislim da je MK2 prakticniji jer i prednje i zadnje nogice mogu i da se rasire i idu i napred-nazad, a i to u vise polozaja.
    1 point
  2. Pisanje dugogodisnjeg ruskog reprezentativca Artema Kolesnikova na temu svetskog prvenstva i onoga sta se desila pre njega, za vreme njega i posle njega. Podugo je ali nije lose za procicati What was it, Carl?" A note on the last XX World Championships in Serbia. English version. Not important. At the end of the recently held Serbian World Championships in carp fishing, on the Net, and not only there, heated debates broke out about the randomness or randomness of the results of this tournament, about luck or bad luck. And since this, somehow, affected me, I consider it necessary to clearly express my point of view on this issue. First, the fact that “lucky”, the victory of the Ukrainian team and the prizes of the national teams of Croatia and England will not become less valuable or less significant, and those who are “not lucky” will not be any easier. I think that Ukrainian sportsmen shouldn’t write posts on this topic, prove anything to anyone, all reasonable people who have no interest, understand everything perfectly and don’t need to chew on the obvious ones. Moreover, the leaders of the Ukrainian national team, quite adequately and realistically, assess what happened, which undoubtedly does them honor. Secondly, the element of luck in carping, and fishing in general, is inevitable, so there are team formats for tournaments, zones and semi-zones, separate draw, and so on.d.which are aimed at maximizing the impact of luck on the final result. But even with the above conditions, it happens that fortune takes more power than we are trying to give it. And even if in the case under discussion, large fish is undoubtedly luck and good luck for the Ukrainian team, as well as the Portuguese catch on the last night, which brought the Ukrainian team to the first place, all the other actions of Ukrainian athletes, including preparations for the tournament, were conscious and are professional. And it would be categorically not true to write off the successful performance of teams of prize-winners of the World Cup 2018, only for luck and luck! Important. The World Carp Championship is the main, the most important and the first event of the whole world carp fishing, and participation in it is the cherished dream of a real sportsman. And the main task of the organizers of the world championships is to provide participants with the opportunity to show their strengths, to realize their skills, to ensure equal and sufficient conditions for competing teams. If some foreign national teams have a system of their formation that implies a free and personalized choice of participants, in principle, “who the coach chose, he went,” then in our country, getting into the national team has a long and difficult path. For several years now, consciously and carefully, we have been creating a system of fishing sports in the discipline “carp fishing”, which allows us to assemble the strongest, objectively strongest athletes of the country in the national team. This is achieved through a complex system of qualifying tournaments, All-Russian competitions, held in several stages, and even with a separate draw. Participation of athletes in these tournaments is impossible without large financial, temporary, physical and other costs, which so far, to a greater extent, fall on the shoulders of athletes themselves. Getting into the Russian carp fishing team itself today is a great success, but it’s far from the destination, not all the way. Wrestling, battle, the manifestation of all their best qualities in the world championship and, a pedestal - there is a logical conclusion to the sports season, or in general, a sports career. Being at the last world championship in the capital of Serbia, many of us had enough time to reflect on this topic, but how not to try to unfold the direction of thought, everything agreed to one question - “For what?”? Why all this colossal work of functionaries in the All-Russian and regional federations, coaches, athletes at gatherings and competitions, the constant search for money to form the budget for the national team if the grand final, the main act of each sports season, turns into a farce? Why do you have to train hard, go through these circles of hell in qualifying competitions, spend a lot of time, money, nerves? Why then select the strongest athletes and collect from them the national team? In order to come to the conditional “Ada Zingalia”, where will the teams be offered to play the lottery? Why do we need a high athletic level of athletes, careful preparation, not cheap field training, total intelligence, physical and tactical skills, when the organizers of the world championship do not reduce, but maximize the influence of the draw, and indeed, the influence of fortune on the final result? And the point here is not even in “bathing,” “noisy,” “rowing,” “singing,” “playing,” and “exploding.” And not even in the artificially created limitation of catching by intersector distances of twenty meters, and casting distances of one hundred meters, even this could be overcome and survived. But the lack of essence, the most important thing in fishing sport, the object of catching itself - fish, throws the world championship into the arms of randomness, from which we are so eager to run away, and the final result makes less and less dependent on the training of its participants. And really, someone from the perpetrators of this, thinks about how young athletes who fought for this right feel psychologically that they will come to the World Cup, and as a result, they were not even given the opportunity to show themselves? How will this frustration affect them? And later, at home, they will surely add a portion of the conviction they have not deserved, a gang of sofa analysts, eager for hot topics in order to spill out their negative emotions. They are generally aware that with some athletes, this is the only chance in life, or rather the only chance that they have taken away, stupid leaders, without conscience and shame. Absolutely all teams, even champions and prize-winners, were not simply allowed to compete. Yes, this opportunity was taken away from all participants by changing it for the right to play the lottery. So, simply, played at roulette the hope that athletes suffered, fighting for the right to be in the national team of the country, cherishing the dream of big victories. They realize that by their actions and inaction, they can put an end to the career of promising athletes and destroy fishing sport? I don’t know what they are thinking about, I only see how they look with a radiant smile towards the stunned, and few, who understand what is happening, participants of the world championship. Meanwhile, in the jargon, like, is called - "the setup", and it is very a pity that no one will answer for this, neither according to the law, nor by concepts. And if an international fishing sport does not want to completely lose face, then it will urgently have to make significant changes to the order of the world championships, otherwise, everything will begin to die out dynamically, including, for the present, the wild enthusiasm of those altruists who are pulling on themselves fishing their countries. Considering, that now in our information space there is a fairly large number of homegrown, and certainly talented, analysts, which in their opinion well versed in the subtleties of tactics, in the level of training of teams and athletes, and in general, in the ongoing sports battles, and any of my analysis can be interpreted as an attempt to justify myself, I decided not to write absolutely my own conclusions on catching our team and catching opponents, but to give readers the opportunity to do it themselves and determine for themselves that It was? According to the abilities and conscience of every reader!
    1 point
  3. Pošto smo mi u CG tek poceli sa ligom, odgovor iz Fipse je da je neophodno imati 3 godine ligaško takmicenje o cemu ce Savez da dostavi podatke i da prijavi reprezentaciju za takmicenje.. postoje ta pravila dobijaju se na upit
    1 point
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