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Everything posted by Dax

  1. Dax

    Mesna Boila M1

    glm, i eventoalno malo arome frankfurtske u pozadini ili neki plum, moze i n-buteryc a i neki tecni zasladjivavc sto da ne
  2. Dax

    Mesna Boila M1

    A sta bi bilo to?
  3. Pa sad dolazi u pitanje dali je to jedno to isto? Ili lupetamo tu svasta pa sta bude bude.Zasto bi onda u baku isle sve vde tuti fruti komponente ako nije to?
  4. vazno je jako ajd vlado011 reci molim te
  5. Rasturili amure na dtd na tutu fruti maros provereno radi
  6. koji nisu saranski stapovi? na videu ili tabeli?
  7. In the final two competitors will throw a rod or reel MTX 14 using its own, the same first step. Required to be used throws in the final lead 110g rod made available by the organizer. It will account for the best shot with rod and throwing MTX14 competitor that entered the finals. The winner is the one that sums up the two largest distance throws. Be used for the same wires (0.25 sections 300m) and lead weights between 80g and 130g of choice. Wire (one roll of 300m) and the 10 lead (organic, sliding rod with swivel or fixed) shall be made available by the organizer, the cost being covered by the fee. Plumbii fee payment are received in time and gets to start the contest thread. Competitors are asked to come prepared with reels with "fillers" that can support wireless 300m of 0.25. Throws will make a determined stand well. Land will throw a center line perpendicular to leave the stand and the other six lines perpendicular (parallel to the stand) at 120m, 130m, 140m, 150m, 160m , that stand 170m from the line. This will be an advantage as straight throws on the central line direction. Line stand should not be exceeded or trampled by competitors when pitching launch is deemed canceled in this situation. Competitors have the right to repeat a failed throw in the first round and missed the final throw. Missed shot is considered involuntary only breaking ancestor, the monofilament, rod or formation of "wigs" on the wire. Also missed are considered throw in 80m. Calcarea line stand and not fall into this category is considered throwing canceled. Poor throws, but over 80 m, can not be repeated is calculated as such. Forerunner will be up to 10m and enter the competitor obligation. Competitors may request verification of a certain thickness of wire rod during the entire competition. Each competitor is entitled to two such checks. The wires must be measured with micrometer. Competitors are required to keep quiet when other participants in the competition is getting ready to throw or during the throw. First offense competitor in question receives a verbal warning and the second or intentional deviation obvious competitor is downgraded to 2m of its own disposal. Repeated competitor receives eliminate the deviation from the competition. Following a general ranking of the three categories made the top 15 contestants are assigned directly to the finals next casting contest organized by the Club Sports Zone Carp. Replace those that quit or may not be taken by the runners. Will come with five runners in order of ranking in each category and the remaining five places in each category (total 15) will be occupied by a new selection. At the end of next contest is a new selection of the top 15 (all categories) have the right to enter directly into the finals of a new contest. The participation fee is 200. When tax payment is received the 10 environmental lead (weights of your choice) for a possible workout. Competitors are asked to announce the type of rod and reel that will participate in the competition. This can make the fee or forum. NOTE: Data can be offset depending on the weather conditions of that period. Awards available in case of participation of 60 contestants. EVO PREVEO SAM SA RUMUNSKOG NA ENGLESKI SA GOOGLE TRANSLATEOM PA PROCITAJTE
  8. Prva kolona masinice, druga kolona svoji stapovi, i zadnja svi su bacali sa svojim masinicama upareni sa mtx14 hakuyo stapom, olovo 110gr, 025 monofil sa shockom ako sam dobro protumacio sa rumunskog
  9. Evo pa vi procenite , vide se modeli stapova i masinica, onaj mtx14 je hakuyo stap
  10. Dax

    Trava U Jezeru

    Trazimo sto jeftinije resenje jer udruzenje neraspolaze bas sa puno para, a iznajmljivanje kombajna tog tipa mislim da je porilicno skupo, jedino ako se nenadje neki sponzor
  11. Dax

    Kako Vi To Radite

    kako si to mislio? sad cujem 1 put
  12. a sta kad treba da razdvojis stapove???
  13. Dax

    Trava U Jezeru

    jedino ako nije stetno za ribu, posto se radi o saranskom reviru
  14. Dax

    Trava U Jezeru

    Drug moj jel to pricas za Peskaru Kikinda?
  15. I jos 2 crnca da vuku za tobom i postavljaju xaxaxa
  16. Kolko ja znam a znam ,Braca je koristi ugo 2 inox i cygnet ubadaljke
  17. Moze i to ako cemo tako, pa ajde reci buraz jedan rod pod da je od inoxa, da je stabilan, da je funkcionalan i da je lep????
  18. Ovaj fox ima prednje nogice ko da se us....o,salim se naravno nije los al ovo je rod pod za mene
  19. vidi u carpologiji dd bait boile, ili u magic carp shopu dynamite baits imas malo jeftiniju seriju
  20. Probaj sa nekim barkley buzz boilama one ti nisu skupe, mesne ili neke boile domace radinosti (srb) one takodje nisu preterano skupe. strane boile nemas ispod 1200-1500din po kili (solar, nutra itd...)
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