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Everything posted by JaneMk

  1. http://www.exyucarp....?showtopic=2849 U engleskoj je 240 funti
  2. To nije uradio Vasil,taj rod pod se proizvodi vec 6-7 godina
  3. A jel svi merite ph vrednost vode i jel znate koja je neutralna odnosno ph 7 faktor.90% slcajeva ph vrednost je 7 neutralna,retko kada ide kiselija il obrnuto.Po meni bez razlike shta zac odogvori samo naucna fantastika bash kao shto ej milance odgovorio il jede i svidja mu se il nejede.
  4. A jel neko uopshte prmjetio kako je unakrsno pleceni carbon na blanku-shto je novitet i josh jedan novitet je dimenzija shtapa 12,4 sa 3,3lb.Znaci ljudi nisu radili tipicnu duzinu i librazu nego u sporedbi sa blankom radili shtap sa dimenzijama koje najvishe odgovaraju tom blanku shto je za pohvalu.
  5. Najbitnija stvar,nakon 25 stepeni vode pri kuvanju nemash vishe isto postotak amino kiseline,zato sam odavno reko manite se tablica i testirajte na vodi
  6. Novi francuski shtapovi.Izdvojio bi najacu seriju mada ima oko 6-7 serija razlicitih po performansima i po ceni.Ovaj je oko 300 jura u francuskoj Cane carp TK 666 TANK. 12'4, 3.3 lbs: many tests and comparisons were conducted to determine the length / power ideal for any template launcher, load and size of fish. Casting performance of a 13 ', a fun combat-12', ideal power reserve and total pleasure. Action Fast Evolutionary nature very fast the blank has the ability to respond evolutionarily depending on weight, the slope of cane, the pitch type and energy trnasmise during launch and during the fight. Fish at all distances (0 to + 170m) while having the guarantee of a happy preserved. Ideal weight: 105g. Range of usable power and precision while keeping control: 2-7 oz (56-196 g). Features: • 1K carbon weave (even more dense than 3K) reinforcing the strength of the cane. • Reserve power to control. • Door FUJI reel-DNPS-20: the best in the world. • Rings FUJI BSVAG bi-legged: 50% stronger and 35% lighter than conventional rings. • rings positioned on the "guts" of the cane: optimization capabilities of blank at the start and during the fight. Increases the strength. • Handle profile, heat shrink + high density EVA foam: perfect ergonomics and maintenance. • rounded knob metal, engraved: generates a counterweight in the heel and provides unparalleled comfort in the fight. Clean look. • Double ligatures on two larger rings: high resistance to deformation of ligatures. Unique specificity of a carp rod. • Finish matte black: light cane, dynamic, resonant (best feeling when fighting), robust and very sober. Hi-Tech finishes without any frills. heel • Distance / reel: 64 cm • Distance reel / first ring: 110 cm • Cannes assembled by hand and checked one to one TANK is the result of pooling outsized Skills: A team of European fishermen mad, an engineer specializing in carbon & resins, a designer and manufacturer high end. Their Goal: find the perfect rod to fish with different budgets and actions to meet the expectations of all. For testing purposes, TANK has manufactured hundreds of sticks of different lengths between 3.60 and 3.90 m. With this sampling, thousands of tests were performed. By process of elimination TANK gradually approached the ideal ratio length / power. Then the production has been refined over canes of 12.3 and 12.4 of 3.25 and 3.3 lbs for the last tests. After that we went from the stage "laboratory" to that fishery. http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/6965/cannecarpetanktk666z660.jpg i spod rod 5,5 lb duzina 12,2'50mm prvi provodnik cena 230 jura http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/3696/cannecarpetankiperkutz6.jpg
  7. da sve ima kopije dokazuje i ovaj rod pod koji je radjen na dobro poznati matrix,aluminium sa plastikom a i cena je oko 70 jura,Tezak svega 2,4kg http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/9509/rodpodcleerp060z5605607.jpg
  8. Anaconda izbacila na trzishte swinger koji veoma podseca na foxa,sa malom razlikom.Kod nje je detektor na dopir.Nije najnovije neshto al do sada ga nisam postavio The Night Glow is a touch sensor, which is usable in all circumstances. The clip of this detector is very sensitive to touch and can be used for nylons and braids. The Night Glow is connected with the detector by a thin cable. A transmisson 1: a key is guaranteed. The key is indicated by LEDs. http://img812.imageshack.us/img812/5628/ecureuilanacondanightgl.jpg
  9. JaneMk


    Ne druze,vidi u hrvatskoj ima i sloveniji sigurno
  10. Vasile bash sam to hteo da kazem,davno su bugari koristili pelzerove rod podove i nisu bili bash zadovoljni bash zbog tih srafova a i stabilnosti
  11. Nadam se samo da ce polako ozdraviti i da idemo opet rame uz rame na vodi
  12. Da nisi opet zaglibio u sneg hahahah
  13. JaneMk

    Csl Liquid

    ja koristim sbs i odlican je
  14. JaneMk


    neznam za fox meni se nishta nije ogulilo a nikad nisam cuo da foxu padaju nalepnice toliko para a shtede na shtampu
  15. kao i uvjek 4 shtapa, 3 clana, svi mogu da pecaju.Pravila kao i svugde za takmicenje dozvoljena prihrana do 18 sati uvece.Do sada je bilo i jelo dvaputa na dan ukljuceno u tu cenu neznam kako ce biti ove godine.AL druzenje je uvjek za ovo otvaranje na najvishem nivou zbog toga i idu svi
  17. Fiksni koliko ja znam je zabranjen na komercijalama.Moze polu fiksni il klizni.A shto se tice divljaka ja praktikujem isto shto i za komercijalu
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