U Francuskoj izashli shtapovi fun fishing koji su imali promociju na svetskom kupu proshle godine.Medju najboljim u njihovoj seriji je black storm koji se radi u 12,6 3,25 i 134, 3,5 lb sa 50mm provodnikom i zaista dalekometna artilerija.Cena je od 250 eur pa nagore-negde cak dostize i 400 eur Blank: High Modulus Carbon 30T + 40T * blank color: black (Carbon Woven finish) * Action Medium progressive * SIC SLIM Premium (compatible braid). * Ring of head covering (reduces the risk of tangles when casting) * Ring out: 50mm (12'6''& 13 ') and 40mm (12') * Fuji reel seat frame carbon * inverted mountings * titanium reinforcing rings * Color Ligatures: Ligatures black and red edging * titanium knob lasered http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/586/prodphoto16769129537601.jpg