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Na trzishtu u engleskoj treba da izadje novi shtap u nekoliko varijanti 13 i 12'' 3,3,25 i 3,5 lb

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After developing some of the finest carp rods ever produced the Leslies Insight Team have now developed a new generation of carp rods the Generation 2 GR2. The Leslies Insight Team and with some of the top carp anglers in the country, have taken a long time in developing a new range of carp rods for the serious carp angler, but finally they are here. Manufactured from the highest grade modulus 62 million PSI graphite while being combined with 80 million PSI graphite which gives the rods a unique stiff spine & dynamic power. A 2K woven carbon covers the whole blank which enforces the extra strength in both laterally and longitudinally directions, which gives extra stability and avoids spine deflection while casting, therefore making casting more accurate.



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