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Carp4Fun Cup - First Edition Topolovăţ 2013 (Romania)

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General details:
Location: Topolovatul Mare, Timis, Romania (less than 200km from Beograd, 30gm from Timisoara)

Period: September 20 to 22
Seats available: 10 (2 Sector Value)
Teams of 2 or 3 fishermen full rights / 4 rods
Participation fee: 220 EUR / team
Organizers: Carp4Fun Team
Contact: Alexandru Pau (0040758.075.428), Nicu Barjica (0040742.147.896), Andrei Zorila (0040726.151.577)

Payment of fees:
Payment will be made to contact persons.
Enrolment is done only after paying an advance of at least 50% of the fee.
The deadline for payment the fee entirely is 31.08.2013
Total fee not paid by the deadline void advance.
The draw for the order of draw the stand is made in order of payment of the fee.

-Friday - 7:00 meeting participants
-Friday - 8:00 technical meeting
-Friday - 8:30 extracting stands.
-Friday - 9:00 to 12:00 camping on stands, drilling water, but you can not fish!
-Friday - 12:00 START CONTEST
-Sunday - 12.00 end of the competition, if a team is in drill it has 15 minutes to catch the fish!
-Sunday - 13.00 PM and festive meal

-Place 1 on each sector: 420 EUR + Cups + diplomas + medals
-Place 2 on each sector: Cups + diplomas + medals
-3rd place in each sector: Cups + diplomas + medals
-Capture: 110 EUR + Trophy + diplomas
-Diplomas + medals for all participants

All cups, diplomas and medals awarded will be 3 / team !

Competition rules / Sanctions
1. Only carp but of any weight it counts 
2. Teams will fish with 4 rods (in the stand you can have prepared an unlimited number of rods)
3. Daily there will be  2 official weigh-in hours: 8-11 and 17-20. At night there are no weighing, the contestants have the obligation to keep the fish safely to the next scale.
4. At weighing a neighbor stand can attend OPTIONAL.
5. It is mandatory to use antiseptic solutions, big landing net with fine mesh opening.
6. Participants are allowed to enter the water up to his knees to tie the picket storage bags or use landing net. (WARNING)
7. Teams MUST use: a single hook on the rig, lure attached hair and mounts easily lead to release in case of breakage (Downgrading 20 KG)
8. Live bait is prohibited, and any type of cereal, plastic, ground baits, on both heavy baiting and the needle. The hook is allowed just bait, hard, soluble, pop-up boilies and paste. (Elimination).
9. For heavy baiting only cobra is allowed and for bait only boilieses (elimination)
10.It is not allowed to use any kind (feeder, bow, lead lured etc). (Downgrading 20 KG)
11.Minimum 10 bags for storage / team is mandatory. It is allowed to use the tunnel for fish keeping under 2kg but the tunnel have to be at least 3m;
12.Fished more than 5 kg are held one in the bag. Competitors are obliged to take all measures to ensure the safety and integrity. At first fish dead team in question will be marked down by 20 kg and if the situation is repeated, the team will be eliminated from the competition.
13.It is allowed for participants to circulate between stands between 8.00 - 17.00 and in this period are acceptable any potential visitors, but no cars on the race track. (Downgrading 20 KG)
15.Between 17.00 - 8.00 stands only allowed visits by judges / organizers. - WARNING
16.Camping will be done based on lake configuration. Distance between stands is at least 50 meters.
17.In tent lighting of any kind allowed. Outside it is not permitted except torch head. (Downgrading 10 kg)
18.Team will leave the fishing place clean after the competition. Garbage will be stored in garbage bags, which shall be left in locations indicated at the end of the contest. (Downgrading 20 KG)
19.It is banned to use loud music. (Downgrading 20KG)
20. Hooligan manifestation, incitement to violence, offensive behavior towards competitors / organizers or consuming alcohol in excess with negative effects on other participants are strictly prohibited (Elimination)
20.If a team it’s helping over another team for favoring the prize - Elimination of competition teams guilty.
21. Any differences related job, Directorate of Fisheries or other issues that may arise during the competition will be resolved by the referees, teams are forced to accept their decisions.
22. At two warnings to the team will be penalized by downgrading to 20 kg, and three will be eliminated from the competition.
23.Standings will be issued according to the total amount of fish caught / weighing, recording data on timesheets being made in two copies one team and one remains at referees.
24.The capture will accrue to the total quantity caught.
25.In every day at 22.00 Competitors will be presented stnading until the last weighing.

ARBITRATION: The organizers will provide minimum 2 referees. Referees / organizers can control at any time, without the consent of the participants, using mount, the lures or stand.

Complaints regarding infraction can only be made in writing no later than one hour after the conference, will be reviewed and resolved by the referees.

AWARD CEREMONY: In the spirit of fair play, all participants are invited to attend the festive meal and awards ceremony, the costs being covered by the organizers.

The contest will be publicized in the local press and media details in this regard will be published with continued.
Post event, the organizers of the competition will publish articles on specialized sites
A professional photographer will be present in the electronic photo album and will be made available to competitors after completing the competition.

This contest is private character, the component being validated by teams organized with the owners of the lake before the full advance payment or fee.
Participants will assume the payment of any taxes or any taxes to the government.

In friendship,
Carp4Fun Team
FB: Carp4Fun



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